HKSYU Moodle

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Welcome to HKSYU Moodle !

If you have not created your personal password in WebSIMS before, your default password for student's account would be your student number as the login ID ,and the last 3 digits before the left parenthesis "(" of your Identity card number, plus the day of your birthday transposed as your login password. You are advised to change your password regularly for security purpose.

E.g.: The HKID card number of Student “987654” is A123456(0) and his birthday is on 17/06/1982; then his Login ID will be 987654 and his password will be 45671.

If you cannot login with the default password, please reset your password using the link below.

Change / Reset password

[Looking for the old Moodle?]

Academic Year 2020-21, please access it here.
Academic Year 2019-20, please access it here.
Academic Year 2018-19, please access it here.
Academic Year 2017-18, please access it here.
Academic Year 2016-17, please access it here.
